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Entrepreneurial Competencies Quiz
Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? The Entrepreneurial Competencies Quiz helps you assess your readiness for starting your own business in the new world of work. It measures your thinking patterns, behaviors, and skills needed to be an entrepreneur. After taking the quiz, you will receive a personalized report including tips to develop your entrepreneurial mindset.
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8 Minutes
What people are saying

I've attended many motivational events but a few days later, I feel lost. The quiz report helped me get a more holistic view of what it takes to start and be successful with my new business. Thank you.”

This report, and the workbook, helped me understand myself and what I need to do to sustain myself and lead my business to success. I feel confident I have what it takes – now I know how to develop myself for the challenges ahead!

I took this quiz after taking the Career Interest and Employment Trends quiz. Knowing my interests and how work will play out in the future, I decided to start my own business. This quiz helped me understand how to develop my mindset to prepare for the challenge. Thank you.

Thank you. I thought being an entrepreneur was about having a great idea and working hard. Now I understand which skills and behaviors I need to work on to really be successful.

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How will the entrepreneurial competencies quiz help you?
An entrepreneur is seen as "a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit." What does establishing a business or taking financial risks to make profits entail? Does an initiative to invent a new chemical to replace gasoline require entrepreneurship? Is the owner of the coffee shop round the corner, an entrepreneur? What makes an entrepreneur? To answer some of these questions and support the efforts of would-be entrepreneurs, Talent Transformation has developed a quiz to measure the thinking, behaviors, skills, and attitudes they will need in order to succeed.

The assessment evaluates each participant’s mindset to identify their strengths and weaknesses and offer them a roadmap for improvement. The results of this assessment can help would-be entrepreneurs realize which traits they need to develop or improve. Evaluating your competencies and addressing any barriers your results reveal will help you fulfil your dreams and succeed as an entrepreneur.

Just wanting to be an entrepreneur isn't enough. This role requires certain behavioral competencies, skills, and abilities. To help you determine is if entrepreneurship makes sense for you, we have developed a quiz with two sections — one to measure how your competencies match those required and another to tease out your sense of purpose your reason for starting a business.
The Entrepreneurial Competencies Quiz produces a personalized guidance report to help you better understand your sense of purpose, skills, competencies, and behaviors. Armed with this information, you can start pursuing learning opportunities to help you progress toward your goals.
Recognizing competencies and sense of purpose
What is the basis for this assessment?
This assessment measures behavioral traits, cognition and skills as defined by the well-established entrepreneurial competency frameworks provided by the European Union (EU), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, the US Department of Labor (DOL). One of the most comprehensive frameworks worth recognizing is EntreComp, the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework.
Why should I take this assessment?
Many people want to be entrepreneurs but many struggle to develop the ideas and motivation they will need to success in this role. If you wish to be an entrepreneur, it’s essential to determine whether you have entrepreneurial competencies. The results of this assessment will help you gauge your current competencies and nurture those you need to develop further.
When should I take it?
Whenever you feel you need to decide about starting a new venture! Given the challenges of entrepreneurship, you may need to identify gaps and prepare for your learning journey.

The digital age has enabled entrepreneurs to start and scale businesses. The rapid pace of change, innovation, and the availability of resources make it an attractive option compared. However, the marketplace is more competitive than ever before; this is why the new generation of entrepreneurs must develop their entrepreneurial mindset and skills to leverage technology and stay competitive in the long term. The Entrepreneurial Competencies Quiz will provide personalized tips to build your mindset and skills to be a successful entrepreneur.